Line 1 in Human Design Profile: The Foundational Investigator

"As a Line 1... The world moves too fast for me, I like to move slower than slow."

Let’s get into Line 1 in Human Design Profile: The Foundational Investigator! But first you may be wondering, what the importance profile and the line numbers have that pertain to your design?

If you haven’t read the latest article that we went into previously for line 5, let me give you a brief overview!

Your profile has a very important part and role as it highlights and guides your purpose aka your incarnation cross as well as making up 70% of your overall design!

(For more human design terminology, check out our Human Design Glossary here!)

When we get to the lines, line 1 is the first line of the hexagram of the 6 lines in profile as well as the line of the different gates in your bodygraph.

Line 1 is the foundation of all things, it is detailed authority, the security that is needed for things to thrive and grow upon. As you can see the image below also has the archetype of the investigator.

This article we will just be highlighting line 1 of the profile and not how it shows up in the gates, but you can experiment with any gates you have a line 1 and see what registers for you!

Setting the Foundation: Personal Share

Recently I went over line 5 in profile (you can click here to read). This article we will be discussing line 1 in human design profile: the foundational investigator, the different characteristics both highest expression and shadow.

If you couldn’t tell by now, I am a 5/1 haha, and my view is personal. I have 3 right arrows in my variable and my channels are all collective.

Sharing in this way that I feel inspired to (defined crown), in the flow, and from my personal view/experience is me living my design.

I hope it gives you inspiration to dive deeper into your design. See what is authentic and true for you, and each transmission of knowledge from these articles reawakens another level of light, frequency, and knowing for your design to transform and be lived at its highest potential.

Contemplating the Line 1

I have the line 1 in my subconscious. This personal share is something that is connected to my vehicle/body.

It is something I am not consciously aware of and will be pulled to investigate things that happen naturally for me and without thought.

Some things may resonate with you. Others may not depending on where your line 1 placement is. Where you are in your experiment and other aspects of your design too!

I invite you to be open. To explore what’s true and see what is possible to dive deeper into your line 1.

If you aren’t a line 1 but know someone who is it an also be a great reference as well!

Human Design is an amazing reference point to surrendering our conditioning and projection on to others and shows us how we can correctly accept and love one another.

Possible Line 1 Profiles

Possible Line 1 profiles in Human Design: 5/1, 4/1, 1/3, or 1/4

You can have it in your conscious (the first number-ex: 1/3) placement or unconscious (the second number-ex: 4/1) placement

Conscious vs. Unconscious Placement

If you have the line 1 in your conscious placement you may relate to it more and identify the characteristics as your personality. You may be seen by others more consciously of as an authority and investigative type.

People may go to for details and knowledge of your expertise and what you consciously investigate.

If you have the line 1 in your unconscious, you may relate to it through contemplation, see how it plays out for you, and how it naturally works.

Others may see this aspect of you- yet in the subconscious placement we are more suspectable to the shadowy aspects of the line number more.

But when we make conscious what is unconscious, we can learn from our tendencies and see what truly supports these things with in us.

Below I will be providing insight from how I relate to the line 1 in my unconscious with certain key phrases that relate to its characteristics.

Shadow of the Line 1

As we can see line 1 represents the foundation. Without a solid foundation it is hard to build anything that will last or is sustainable.

We may jump from one thing to another without giving ourselves proper time to be an authority and master of an art, system, craft, etc. we are called to investigate.

Prior to taking on my design and really leaning into the healthy aspects of the line 1, I investigated and snooped into other people’s business without invitation. (Mainly a close family member, but that is a story for another time).

It came from my own unhealed trauma and what I experienced at the time growing up of not feeling safe. So, what does a line 1 do? What does a projector do when they don’t know they’re a projector?

They don’t wait for the invitation, they snoop, they pry into other people’s business, and they burn bridges because patience is a foreign concept in this world.

Can you relate? We can come off almost as a tyrant looking for some sense of control while projecting that onto others all while under the illusion of trying to maintain security, safety, and peace.

Building a Foundation

Navigating the line 1 the last few years has been a process of unraveling. It has left me at times feeling stuck, anchored to where I am, lost, and downright bored at times.

Yet, knowing Human Design and this system so well as diving into my experiment, I knew a lot of that was my conditioning, my monkey mind, and what my body was inviting me into.

To truly build a solid foundation, instead of burning one thing after another with lack of patience as a result.

Being in Mental Projector and operating as a not-self conditioned generator most of my life, my vehicle has needed time to rest and recuperate.

Our minds are very impatient. We want things now and think it can heal/get over things fast. But habits are like recovery.

It takes time to undo what has been embedded and conditioned. Projectors get to be the master of patience and surrender. We are a slow burn with our experiment.

(For more on projectors you can click here to learn more!)

Below is a channeled message of the line 1 that I shared recently on my social media and thus inspired this article. I hope you enjoy!

As A Line 1…

The world moves too fast for me, I like to move slower than slow.

“Slow and steady wins the race” is my natural mantra.

But has yet to be rewarded in a culture that profits off of speed, adrenaline, burnout, and “keeping up.”

I’ve burned bridges and spiraled into other people’s business just to gain some sense of safety.

When I’ve rushed into things without proper time and allowance,

The foundation is rot, with not much to be supported on and eventually cracks.

Embracing the Line 1

Of all the years I have been someone I’m not,

I get to take my time to decondition, to unbecome and become who I have always been, and have always meant to be.

I am on no one else’s timeline but my own.

And those that provide a calmness for my nervous system,

Are medicine for my soul and exactly what my body and mind need.

When I allow myself to be as slow as the minerals and rock of the world,

I see everything.

Every detail, every sound, every hint of what makes something unique, beautiful, possible.

I get to savor in the present moment, what it means to truly be alive.

Embodiment of Line 1

The line 1 is inert, it is more of a hermit than the line 2 even.

It needs time to come out from all its researching, investigation, and foundational building.

There has to be a sense of safety with what it’s here to share and be an authority to present itself.

Its harmony is the line 4-so making sure you have line 4’s in your inner circle you trust and support you is key!

We have been given a disservice as a society to want things fast and for instant gratification.

That is not what the line 1 is about. It needs time to master its expertise. A line 1 is the embodiment of groundedness.

As line 1’s and stated in the beginning of this article, we’re the first line of the hexagram, the foundation, we provide a sense of security to others in what we know.

If we rush that process, we can go from one thing to another without giving ourselves proper time to have the stable and sturdy foundation we are worthy of! To be the detailed authority we are designed to be.

What do you think line 1’s? Do you allow yourself time in your investigating and foundational work?

Know fellow line 1’s that could relate to this article? Sharing is caring! As we understand ourselves and others from this perspective, we have a better chance of changing the world for the better!

Ready to take on your design and lean into the positive aspect of your profile?

Go to the Coaching & Reading Tabs in the Menu to learn more, schedule a session with me here or you can email me at: [email protected] with your inquiries.

look forward to connecting and hearing from you!

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