Specialized Sessions & Readings

The beauty and power of serving a client based on their personal wants, needs, AND meeting them where they currently are at– is highly transformational and sustainable! 

These individualized readings support with the process and integration of:

  • Connecting a client back into their intuition, knowing, healing, and empowerment!
  • Correct use of their energetics
  • Tools and references to see when they are getting out of alignment and how to get back to it
  • Navigating relationships based on each person’s authentic blueprint with love, respect, and harmony
  • Doing business that is correct for you! In alignment to your soul purpose and is filled with fulfillment.
  • Discovering the mysteries and power of your dream world, what conditioners lie there, and how to break through the matrix even more!
  • Giving your body and mind the correct information, nutrients, and guide of what it uniquely needs based on your DNA!

My intention working with and serving my clients is that they walk away with an understanding of themselves and have clear supportive guidance moving forward.

*Does this sound like the type of client experience you would like to receive?

For any additional questions, you can book a consultation or fill out the form below. Please allow 48-72 business hours for response with all email inquiries. I look forward to connecting with you!

If you do not have PayPal and use other payment options, please email me at [email protected] and I will set you up!

Soul Transfiguration Session (60 Min)

A Soul Transfiguration Session: 1) Will inform you who you are at soul level, 2) give you the freedom and great liberation of clearing past life karma that is affecting your present life, 3) and transform you energetically to match more of your authentic soul blueprint!

We all have different soul gifts that operate differently from each other. Some of us can be living out of alignment with our gifts- which create massive energy drainage, blocks, and an overall dissatisfaction of operating life (job, relationships, etc.).

When you awaken to your soul gifts, you have the tools to know what keeps you connected to your unique stream of energy and consciousness, what to avoid, and what to tap into to continue to expand your natural talents.

If this is lighting you up, then this session is PERFECT for you! Learn how to integrate your soul gifts, see where past life karma is still showing up, and action steps to take afterwards with new aligned energy flowing through! This is a life changing session that will have long lasting massive impact!

This is an energetic upgrade and energy clearing process that will reconnect you to your Truth, soul, and path! This shifts EVERYTHING and gets your life and energy moving! You will understand why certain patterns and blockages are appearing based on your past lives, learn how to step into your soul gifts, and MORE!

Are you ready for your cosmic soul expanding upgrade??

Process of a Soul Transfiguration Session:

  • I tap into the Akashic Records to locate your soul information. I do this by designating your primary gifts, your soul origination, and present and past life blockages-what happened that created these energetic leaks.
  • All this is done through a certified method and protocol of accessing the records (Soul Realignment®)
  • I use intuitive guidance, channel and receive information from your guides on what gets to be looked at and cleared while accessing the Akashic Records and put together your report
  • I do energy work and clear the past and present life karmic blocks that are present
  • This creates massive new vital life force energy coming into your system
  • We go over your report and finding via live zoom session (recording is available for later reference and review).
  • Action steps, homework, and light coaching are given to continue with tapping into these new dimensions of you we have rediscovered!
Investment: $333

Foundational Alignment Session (45 Min)

You may be new to Human Design or have been doing your own research and experimentation for some time. Why would a foundational alignment session be correct for you?

Projectors are here to give their guidance based on their mastery and energetic transmission. We are made for the other. And as your humble projector guide here, I am here to initiate you and walk you through the very important process of this foundational understanding, which sometimes can be overlooked and not embodied as we are coming to understand this knowledge.

This system is so detailed with all its vast information, but the basics are the bread and butter of how you get to live correctly as yourself and live life according to your theme.

Generators and Manifesting Generators are here to live lives of satisfaction with how they use their energy

Projectors get to be recognized and invited to share their guidance and live successfully without any burn out

Manifestors initiate and inform others with peace as they powerfully do their thing and ditch the anger or any conditioned waiting

Reflectors are the cosmic mirrors of the world, living life with awe and surprise.

Understanding your Human Design is an experiential process that you get to test not just take in on an intellectual level. This intel is cracking your unique DNA code, understanding how you’re specifically and energetically made, your specific gifts through the Human Design lens, purpose, and where your greatest vulnerabilities are that you want to be aware of! When you align to your design, your life radically changes and enhances for the better!

A Foundational Alignment Session: 1) Gets you into alignment with your human design type (are you living correctly as a generator, manifesting generator, manifestor, projector, or reflector?)! 2) We go over what it means to be your energetic type, how your strategy navigates your best interests, and the power of your inner authority! 3) We look at the not-self and what that means for you as well.

The basics and foundation of living your type, strategy, and authority will radically change your life!

  • Find out which energy type you are (generator, manifesting generator, projector, manifestor, or reflector)
  • How to use your unique energetic and your type. (Do you wait? Do you respond? How do you respond? Do you initiate? How do you know to initiate etc…) THIS IS A GAME CHANGER!!!
  • I coach and guide you where you are being conditioned, programmed, and signs that you are out of alignment (energy being drained)
  • I give you practices getting you back into alignment and feeling energized!
  • This session will help and be applicable in so many areas of your life!
  • Session is over zoom and live (recording available for later reference and review)


Investment: $199 

Business Attunement Reading (90 Min)

Want to understand how you are designed to be in business and experience better levels of success, flow, team, client relations, and direction? 

Curious to discover what truly pops for you if you are an entrepreneur, in a business partnership, run a small company, or the CEO of a large corporation? And if you have a team how their roles and strengths can shine even brighter?!

Then this reading would be just what you need as you are expanding into your expertise, purpose, and mission!

This service is centered around understanding your Human Design energetics in business, also name as BG5 (base group 5). BG5 is centered around understanding how you are designed in a penta, or a small group which consists of 3-15 people.

Our energetics change significantly when we go into a small group, so understanding what happens, what turns on and off for each of us is HIGHLY valuable!

Projectors, you’re here to be the advisors in business

Generators and Manifesting Generators, you get to be the builders of the business. Your energy is sacred! (Also, MG’s, you get to be multi-passionate and bring a variety of things together!)

Manifestors are the powerful initiators! You are essential for start-ups and getting things off the ground and running.

Reflectors, you are the evaluators of the environment. 

*Are you showing up in business as you are designed to be?!

How your business attunement reading will go:

Prior to your reading, I set up the structure of your session. I connect with your guides and spirit team and pull oracle cards. 

These cards will provide themes and messages from your guides of what you can additionally focus on, for example maybe you need to have more rest and self-care in your schedule. 

Maybe there is need of forgiveness somewhere, your guides and the cards will let me know! This will serve on an energetic and healing level along with expanding your business goals!

Then I intuitively pull different aspects of your Human Design chart. 

For example: looking at how you’re designed to communicate, what can help in your marketing/messaging, and where your prosperity and luck are. 

While also focusing on the BG5 dynamics, to curate an action plan and where you get to focus on. 

You will answer a few basic questions when you book your session with what you are wanting support and guidance with, which goes into the planning of your reading.

Also, as we review your chart together, I go into the details of how specifics gates/channels operate in your business, what are your designed roles, where you are vulnerable, and what aspects of you that shine most! We will craft a new plan of action for you to take in business and feel great doing so!

Knowing who you are in life will give you a great business advantage. Incorporating Human Design & BG5 as well as aspects of the WA (OC16)-which is a group of 16+ people- in your business can explain the energetic and dynamics of a group and the ability to problem solve better! It shows who people are NOT, and highlights people’s natural abilities to be utilized. That way there is better flow, more success, satisfaction, and peace in your business!

  • What is your vision for your business moving forward?
  • Do you want to create more outreach?
  • Make leap in sales?
  • Flourish in creative marketing?
  • Grow your business?
  • What do you see expanding as you trap into your true self?
  • What are the next steps?
(This is a 90 min live zoom call, recording of session is available for your review and reference after)
Let’s connect and see what’s possible for you in creating your business goals!

Investment: $349

Relationship Magic Composite Chart Reading (75 Min)

Did you know that when you and another person come together you both create an entity?! And that entity has its own energy, gifts, possible challenges, areas of growth, and connection?

Looking at relationships is so helpful through the Human Design lens! It can answer so many questions of what works in a relationship, why you are drawn to one another, understanding what can cause possible miscommunication and hurt feelings.

The composite chart puts two human design charts together and shows us:

-Your unique configuration, what it means to have the number of centers defined and possibly undefined between the both of you (for example: if you had 8 centers defined and 1 undefined between you and another person for your composite chart, we call that configuration “8-1 have some fun”)

-What attracts you to one another (your electromagnetic channels)

-Where there is tension and compromise channels (understanding this alone, can help navigating clashes and provide understanding!) Who is compromising who? Don’t worry we typically experience compromises in our relationships, it’s very common!

Friendship channel(s) (what you may have in common and can relate with the other person in a deep way)

-And dominance. Dominant channels are where you get to see and acknowledge the other fully!

This reading alone will revolutionize your view and understanding on the relationship you are wanting to have a better understanding and connection with!

Great for family members, friends, business partners, and romantic relationships.

See how to live correctly in relationship based on your designs and create relationship magic!

During your composite chart relationship magic reading:

-We go over the similarities or differences of your design type and how to support each other to be in your aligned theme. 

For example

Generators & Manfesting Generators do you feel satisfied and in response in your relationship? (MG’s are you informing with your response?)

Manifestors are you informing and communicating what you are up to with this person?

Reflectors do you feel nurtured and able to have the alone time you need? Is the environment and person filling you with awe and surprise?

Projectors are you being recognized and invited in your relationship? 

-Then we do a deep dive into your unique entity together aka your composite chart! And all the factors I listed above of what your chart will show you. 

-You will receive guidance to navigate through challenges and mantras to repeat that will provide more awareness.

-Tips of healthy and effective communication

-And what works for you both naturally! 

*Prior to reading and for prep I tap into the Akashic Records and retrieve your soul information for both parties. Understanding your soul gifts, will also give you information on how you do relationships and what each one needs*

  • Do you want to experience a better understanding in your relationship?
  • Are you ready to create better levels of healing, love, communication, and peace in your relationship dynamic?
  • Ready to do your relationship based on your designs and not what society or anyone else says?
  • Want to have a better connection?

This reading is for you then! You will fill out a few questions when you book your session so I can laser in (projector style) on the key dynamics that are needing attention.

(This is a live 75 min session that will be on zoom. Recording of session is available for your review and reference after)

You will walk away with a deep understanding of the other person, your dynamics, what pulls you both together, and the aura mechanics aka energetics of possible tensions and how to handle them. You will have this outline and tools to create better levels of communication and understanding of what each of you need for relationship success!

Investment: $333

Body & Mind Alchemy Session (60 min)

Did you know that we are each designed differently to:

1) digest food and information in our own unique way 

2) thrive in certain environments 

3) see and view the world through a predetermined lens

4) as well as having a distinct motivation to take action on?! 

And let me tell you something… most of us are being distracted by the homogenization of others to actually tap into what is correct for us with our body & mind! Wild right?!

This can lead to lot of confusion, digestive & health issues (physically, emotionally, and even mentally), negative thinking, and blocking our creative endeavors of what we would like to make a reality.

Yes, when we look at the variables in our human design (those 4 arrows at the top of your chart) we get to the body & mind of how we uniquely operate. 

The knowledge of this gives you great freedom to love your body in the way it needs to and tend to your mind’s psychology with positivity, your designed sequence, and great freedom!

How does that sound?! If you are as pumped up as I am about this, then this session is just for you!

Welcome to your Body & Mind Alchemy Session!

Understand your variables (aka your top 4 arrows) in your chart and radically change your life! During this session you will find out: 1) your correct diet, 2) preferred environment, 3) view (this is how you view life and what distracts you from seeing things clearly), and 4) motivation and how to apply it to your every day. 

Motivation is said to be the second most important aspect of a projector to know after their Strategy and Authority. 

Transferred motivation (what conditions us to be pulled upside down and yanked into the not-self) is extremely helpful to understand and see how it sneakily gets in the way of you living in your theme! (Whether you are a projector or not!)

We go over the sequence level of your unique personality and mind! This is like applying a fun and simple mathematical equation to shift into greater levels of alchemical living! 

Transform the relationship you have with your body and mind to experience health & wellness on another level!


This is also known as the four radical transformations in Human Design as well as the PHS (primary health system). As you go through this process of understanding these fundamental aspects of your unique body chemistry and mind’s psychology-things radically change! 

You can improve your health, mindset, and lifestyle by applying these aspects of your design to your daily life.

During this session I will break down each arrow, what they mean, and give you practical tools to start experimenting and how you can apply it into your every day.

This will turn on your inner authority even more and you will have reference points as to when you are getting distracted, going into your not-self, and what can negatively be pulling you to be motivated to do something.

It also helps turn on your manifesting abilities and powers even more!

Your variables include:

  • How you’re designed to eat and take in information
  • What environment your vehicle aka body thrives in
  • How you’re meant to view the world and where you get distracted
  • Your CORRECT motivation in life and your transference, which will throw you into your not so happy not-self.

This is EVERYTHING! When we align to our correct motivation it is like a weight is lifted and life gets way easier!

The session is a live 60 min session over zoom (recording of session is available after for your review and reference as needed).

*Disclaimer: Please note that this in no way medical or professional advice and to always consult with your primary physician and mental health care specialist for serious health and mental health inquiries. *

Investment: $222

Dream Rave Exploration Reading (60 Min)

Have you heard the hottest new intel in the Human Design community about the dream rave?! We have our own separate design as we are sleeping versus our typical waking chart.

Do you know if your type changes when you dream?

You know how reflectors are only 1% of the population? Well in the dream rave they make up 70%!

We go from having access to 64 gates of the bodygraph to only 15 gates in the dream rave and 9 centers to 5!

Most people don’t realize that our aura and energy changes from being a vertical being to a horizontal one when we sleep and how that operates very differently.

If this sounds a bit confusing, don’t worry I will break it down for you. This is very exciting information that can open up new dimensions in your dream world while confirming certain things in your reality.

In you dream rave exploration reading you will discover: 

1) Your dream type (are you a reflector, projector, generator, manifesting generator, or manifestor) and what that means for you

2) Learn about being conditioned while you sleep. Are you waking up stressed, anxious mind racing?

3) Your specific gates (the gates are VASTLY different than the typical waking gates)

4) And how to use the dream realm in a whole new way! 

ALSO… we see what gate(s) you may have in your dream chart that don’t show up in your regular chart and how this may be causing some further conditioning and stress.

Looking at these dream gate(s), whether they are unconscious or conscious, and the line numbers will point you in the direction of one of your greatest vulnerabilities as well as massive superpowers when understood and transmuted!

The line numbers in the dream rave also act and have different characteristics versus the waking line numbers in the typical bodygraph system.

I will walk you through all of it and how to EXPERIENCE your dreams, what types of dreams to get messages from, get psychic messages, healing opportunities, and know when you are being sucked into the matrix programming!

Yes, this is actually where it is extremely active and gets to people, and we don’t even realize it!

We have been conditioned to relate to dreams the wrong way! This will revolutionize your how you wake up and add to living your design!


Understanding your dream rave is a profound and bubble bursting experiencing on top of learning your waking Human Design Chart. 

We are HEAVILY conditioned as we sleep, and this can affect how we operate in our waking life without even realizing it! Do dreams keep you stuck and in stress? Uncovering your dream rave is a whole other level of the deconditioning process!

  • Do you know your dream type?
  • Are you experiencing your dream correctly?
  • How would you like to break free from waking up to stress and instead to joy, messages, healing and new gifts?
  • We will also set up a fun nighttime routine for you to really activate your dreams and walk you through the process of dream journaling
Are you ready to have mystical experiences as you dream too?! Then this reading is the perfect fit for you!

This is a 60 min live zoom session. Recording is available after for your review and reference.

Investment: $222

Schedule a reading now!

Explore the possibilities of coaching with Lauren to:

  • Connect back into your intuition and be YOUR own authority
  • Embrace how to use your energetics
  • Tools and references to stay in alignment
  • Relationship success
  • Business Guidance
  • Body & Mind upgrade
  • Mystical learning & embodiment techniques


*Terms and Conditions*

All sales are final. There are no refunds. No shows will not be issue for a refund. Please email [email protected] for any emergencies that may occur that may interfere with receiving your service. You can reschedule session with at least a 24-hour notice. These sessions and coaching received by Lauren are in no way or recommended for a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. By your purchase of session(s) is in acknowledgement of these terms and conditions. We cannot guarantee any specific result based on the information that is provided. I promise to show up, give the best of my abilities, and advise with my mastery and expertise to guide you in what you would like to experience next. It is with love and belief that you are responsible to take aligned action and use empowered discernment for desired results. Thank you for your business!