Welcome to your ultimate guide to navigating the fascinating world of Human Design! This comprehensive Human Design glossary holds the key to unlocking the secrets encoded within your unique BodyGraph.
This glossary is meticulously crafted with relevant terms and phrases in mind, ensuring that curious seekers of Human Design knowledge can easily find the answers they crave.
By using this resource, you’ll not only expand your understanding but also deepen your journey into your own Human Design and accelerate self-discovery.

Human Design Glossary: Fundamentals
Archetype: In Human Design, each Type (Manifestor, Generator, etc.) carries a specific energy and way of interacting with the world, similar to archetypes found in mythology or psychology. Archetypes can show up in the gates and their expression as well as our profile which makes up 70% of the energy of our design.
Authority: Your inner guidance system that helps you make decisions aligned with your true self. Different Types have different authorities (Emotional, Sacral, Splenic, Self-Projected, Mental, Ego, and Lunar). Following your Authority leads to greater fulfillment and less resistance.
Aura: The energetic field surrounding each individual, reflecting their unique Design and emotional state. Different Types have different aura types (Magnetic, Penetrating, etc.), influencing how they interact with others.
Blueprint: Another term for your Human Design chart, revealing your unique energetic makeup and life potential. It acts as a personal roadmap for understanding your strengths, challenges, and optimal way of navigating life.
Body Graph: The visual representation of your Human Design, depicting your Centers, Channels, and Gates, offering a snapshot of your energetic makeup.
Center: There are nine centers in Human Design, each representing a different area of life (e.g., Root, Spleen, Heart). Defined Centers (colored in) are active and have a specific theme, while Undefined Centers (white) are more receptive and adaptable. Learn more about centers…
Channel: Connections between two Centers, creating specific themes or energetic pathways in your life. Activated channels amplify the energy of the connected Centers, influencing personality, talents, and challenges.
Circuitry: Groups of connected Channels that create larger energetic themes and pathways in your Design. Different Circuits are associated with specific life areas, such as communication, decision-making, or creativity. Learn more about channel circuitry.
Composite Chart: This is when you take two charts and put them together. This is who you are with another person and the energy you create together. You see your defined and possible undefined centers, where there is compromise, companionship, and electromagnetic channels.
Defined: Refers to a Center or Channel that is colored in on your BodyGraph, indicating it is active and has a defined theme or expression. This contrasts with “Undefined” centers, which are white and more receptive.
Energy Type: Another term for your Human Design Type (Manifestor, Generator, etc.), signifying your inherent energetic nature and preferred way of interacting with the world. Understanding your Type is key to living in alignment with your Design.
Gate: There are 64 gates in Human Design, each representing a different aspect of life and holding unique potential. Their activation in your chart influences your personality, talents, and challenges.
Human Design System: The comprehensive framework combining elements of astrology, the I Ching, and Kabbalah to understand individual human potential.
Incarnation Cross: This has to do with your life purpose. The incarnation cross consists of your personality sun, personality earth, unconscious sun, and unconscious earth.
Line: Each gate has six lines, representing different levels of expression of that gate’s energy. The specific line activated in your chart influences how that gate’s energy manifests in your life.
Mutation: Is related to individual gates, channels, and circuitry. Mutation also occurs as we go through different global cycles. As we are leaving one global cycle, (each one lasts about 411 years), The Cross of Planning and entering a new global cycle- The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix in 2027.
Not-Self Theme: Patterns of behavior that you may fall into when not living in alignment with your true self. Each Type has specific Not-Self Themes to be aware of for authentic living.
Personality: These are the black lines/gates in the bodygraph that represent the mind and what you are conscious of how these energies operate in your design.
Penta: In Human Design for Business, the Penta focuses on smaller groups, 3 to 15 individuals. It is applied in the context of work and entrepreneurship in groups of 3 to 15 people. There are certain energies in play when we are sharing our presence within small groups. The Penta is homogenizing (conditioning/influencing) each person. It takes from the person what it needs for the Penta.
Planet: The planets in your Human Design chart represent different aspects of your personality and potential. Their placement and interaction reveal areas of focus, challenges, and potential gifts.
Profile: Your Design’s Profile consists of two numbers – the Sun Personality Line (which is conscious) and the Earth Unconscious Line – revealing your life theme and how you move through the world. Understanding your Profile sheds light on your unique journey and purpose.
Strategy: Your unique way of making decisions and taking action based on your Type and Authority. Following your Strategy leads to greater fulfillment and less resistance in life. For example, Projectors get to Wait for Recognition and the Invitation, Manifestors Initiate/Inform, Generators Wait to Respond, Manifesting Generators Wait to Respond and the Initiate or Inform, and Reflectors Wait one Lunar Cycle (28 days).
Theme: Each type has a correct them with they are in alignment. For example, a Generator’s theme is satisfaction, a Manifestor’s theme is peace, a Manifesting Generator’s theme is satisfaction and peace, a Projector’s theme is success, and a Reflector’s theme is surprise.
Type: The core categorization in Human Design, classifying individuals into five distinct Types (Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector). Each Type has a unique energetic signature and way of interacting with the world.
Unconscious: These are the red lines/gates in the bodygraph that represent the unconscious, vehicle, and the body. These energies operate without thought and come out more naturally.
WA (OC 16): WA (OC 16-Organizing Channels of 16+ people) is a concept used in Human Design for Business. While small teams offer intimacy but lose the individuality of each person, the WA represents wider groups, corporations and communities (16+ people). When we shift into the WA, the individual is recognized in the tribe. That’s why, for some people The Penta might be something they struggle with, but larger groups might be where they excel.
Human Design Glossary: Types
Generator: The life force, responding to the world through their Sacral or Emotional response. They find fulfillment through work that excites them and brings them satisfaction. Strategy: Wait for the Sacral or Emotional response. Learn more…
Manifesting Generator: A blend of Manifestor and Generator energy. They can initiate action but need to consider and respond to their Emotional or Sacral response first. Strategy: Wait for the Emotional or Sacral response, then inform or initiate. Learn more…
Manifestor: The initiator, taking action and informing others. They have a powerful aura and need to inform before taking action. Strategy: Inform. Learn more…
Projector: The guide and advisor, waiting for recognition and invitation before sharing their wisdom. They offer valuable insights but need the right environment to thrive. Strategy: Wait for the recognition and invitation. Learn more…
Reflector: The observer and synthesizer, sampling and reflecting the energies around them. They gain wisdom through observation and connection with others. Strategy: Wait a lunar cycle. Learn more…
Human Design Glossary: Authority
Emotional: Refers to the Emotional Authority that can apply to Generators, Manifestors, Manifesting Generators, and Projectors. They wait for emotional clarity as they ride their emotional wave, minimum being 24–72 hours, before making decisions.
Sacral: Refers Sacral Authority and can apply to Generators and Manifesting Generations. Gut responses talks in sounds. It will be “uh huh” for yes and “uh uh” for no. Sometimes there is an “I don’t know” feeling too, so in that case waiting is even more crucial. What helps the gut respond is asking yes and no questions to the gut, open ended questions, will confuse gut authority.
Splenic: Refers to Splenic Authority that can apply to Projectors and Manifestors. This is intuition, in the now knowing, like a body whisper and connected to the lymphatic system. Splenic intuition knows in the moment.
Self-Projected: Refers to Self-Projected Authority and is only applicable to Projectors. How can they recognize the direction of what their self is guiding them toward? By sound boarding it out with one other person. But the other person should not give feedback or guidance.
Ego: Refers to Ego Authority and can apply to Projectors (Ego Projected) and Manifestors. This authority is based on what the ego wants and is driven through their willpower.
Mental: Refers to the Mental Authority used by Mental Projectors. Their authority process is to sound board with 2-3 people who can reflect back what they are saying, and the Mental Projector can hear their frequency from each sound board to gain clarity before finalizing on a decision.
Lunar: Refers to Lunar Authority and applies only to Reflectors. They make big decisions by waiting one lunar cycle (28 days).
Human Design Glossary: Definition
Single Definition: All channel(s) connect their centers in the bodygraph. Independent and processes information fast.
Split Definition: A group of centers (two or more) that are defined but aren’t connected to the other defined group of centers. Work well with others and need others to bridge split(s).
Triple Split: Three areas of defined centers where they are disconnected from each other. May feel limited to stay in one group. Does best moving through multiple groups and environments.
Quadruple Split: Four distinct areas of definition but not connecting them through a gate (s)/channel(s). Process information slowly, small groups may be hard for they may feel restricted and very much defined in who they are (one or no undefined centers).
No Definition: Reflectors are the only type where this shows up and they have no definition in their chart, meaning that all centers are white. Only gates will come off certain centers, but no channels that would create a definition.
Human Design Glossary: Channels
Activation: The process of recognizing and understanding the themes and potential of a defined Gate or Channel in your Design. This can involve exploring its characteristics, experimenting with its energy, and integrating its lessons.
Channel: A connection between two defined Centers in your Human Design chart, creating a specific theme or energetic pathway. Each channel influences your personality, talents, and experiences.
Circuit: A group of connected Channels working together to create larger energetic themes and pathways in your Design. Different Circuits influence specific life areas like communication, decision-making, or creativity.
Connection: The way the two Centers within a Channel interact and influence each other. This creates the unique theme and expression of the Channel.
Defined: Indicates a Channel where both connected Centers are colored in, meaning it’s fully activated, and its theme is expressed strongly.
Definition: Refers to whether a Channel is activated (both Centers defined) or not (at least one Center undefined). Defined Channels have stronger and more focused characteristics, while undefined Channels offer flexibility and potential for growth.
Manifesting: Refers to Channels associated with taking action and creating in the world. These Channels often involve the Root, Solar Plexus, and Throat Centers.
Open: Synonym for “Undefined” in reference to Channels, highlighting their receptive nature and potential for different experiences.
Theme: The unique quality or purpose associated with each Channel. Understanding the theme of your active Channels helps you recognize their influence in your life.
Undefined: Indicates a Channel where at least one of the connected Centers is white, meaning it’s more open and receptive to external influences. The Channel’s theme might be less defined or expressed indirectly.
Human Design Glossary: Common Phrases and Other Terminology
Acceptance: Embracing all aspects of your Design, including your challenges and limitations, as steppingstones for growth and self-discovery. (Not to be confused by The Channel of Acceptance or Tone).
Activation Sequence: The specific order in which your defined Centers become activated over your lifetime. Understanding this sequence can offer insights into your development and potential.
Alignment: Living in accordance with your Design, following your Strategy, and honoring your Authority, leading to flow, fulfillment, and less resistance.
Authenticity: Living true to your unique Design and purpose. Embracing your strengths, accepting your challenges, and making choices that resonate with your inner truth.
Business Blueprint: An interpretation of your Human Design chart specifically focused on your career potential, strengths, and ideal work environment.
Clarity: Gaining a deeper understanding of your Design, uncovering your purpose, motivations, and best way to navigate life’s challenges.
Community: Connecting with others who share an interest in Human Design can offer support, understanding, and valuable information on your Design journey.
Decision Making: Following your Human Design Strategy and Authority guides you towards aligned and empowered decision-making, minimizing frustration and indecision.
Decoded: Unraveling the mysteries of your Design, gaining knowledge and understanding through Human Design tools and practices.
Design Reading: An interpretation of your Human Design chart performed by a qualified practitioner, offering insights into your unique blueprint and potential.
Divine Blueprint: Viewing your Design as a reflection of a larger spiritual purpose and alignment with universal forces.
Dream Rave: This is your design when you are asleep/horizontal. While we have 64 gates in the bodygraph while awake, there are only 15 gates in the dream rave. There are also 3 different realms in the dream rave that consists of the demon realm, light field, and earth plane.
Embodiment: Living your Design through your physical, emotional, and mental experience, integrating its wisdom into your daily life.
Emotional Wave: The natural rise and fall of emotional intensity experienced by Generators, Manifesting Generators, Manifestors, and Projectors (if that is their authority). Recognizing and riding this wave allows them to make decisions in flow and avoid overexertion.
Empowerment: Taking ownership of your life and choices, utilizing your Design’s wisdom to navigate challenges and achieve your goals.
Experimentation: Actively exploring the themes and potential of your Design through various experiences and practices. This helps you gain deeper understanding and embody your authentic self.
Flow: Living in accordance with your Design’s natural rhythm and energy flow, leading to ease, satisfaction, and effortless action.
Fulfillment: Experiencing satisfaction and meaning in life by living in alignment with your Design and purpose.
Gene Keys: A system developed by Richard Rudd that explores the 64 archetypal themes encoded within human DNA. Each Gene Key offers insights into personal potential, challenges, and the journey of self-discovery. While separate from Human Design, it can add another layer of understanding to your individual blueprint.
Generator Cycle: The natural cycle of satisfaction and frustration experienced by Generators. Recognizing and honoring this cycle allows them to work in alignment with their energy and avoid burnout.
Human Design for Beginners: A resource introducing newcomers to the fundamentals of Human Design and its core concepts.
Human Potential: The unique capacities and possibilities you hold within you, waiting to be unlocked and expressed through your Design.
Inner Authority: Your internal guidance system that helps you make decisions aligned with your true self. Different Types rely on different inner authorities (Emotional, Mental, Splenic).
Inner Child: The wounded or playful part of you holding onto childhood experiences. Healing and integrating your Inner Child fosters emotional maturity and well-being.
Inner Compass: Your inner guidance system, including your Authority and Strategy, pointing you towards aligned decisions and actions.
Inner Wisdom: The knowingness and guidance residing within you, accessible through connecting with your Authority and Design.
Integration: Bringing the different aspects of your Design into harmony, acknowledging your strengths and challenges, and living in alignment with your inner truth.
International Human Design System (IHDS): The official organization established by Ra Uru Hu to preserve and evolve the Human Design system. It provides resources, educational materials, and practitioner certifications.
Intuitive Guidance: Connecting with your inner wisdom and relying on your Authority to make aligned decisions.
Joie de Vivre: The joy of living authentically and expressing your unique Design in all aspects of life.
Life Design: Actively shaping your life path in alignment with your Design, making choices that support your growth and fulfillment.
Life Journey: The unique unfolding of your experiences, shaped by your Design and choices, leading to personal growth and evolution.
Life Themes: The recurring topics and experiences that shape your life journey, influenced by your Design and choices. Identifying your Life Themes allows you to navigate them with awareness and intention.
Personal Magnetism: The unique aura and energetic presence you emanate, influenced by your Design and alignment to your theme.
Personal Blueprint: Your unique Human Design chart, offering a roadmap for navigating life with self-awareness and understanding.
PHS (Primary Health System): This correlates to the top four arrows of your chart which include your diet, environment, view, and motivation. Also known as the four radical transformations.
Potential: The unique capacities and possibilities inherent in your Design. Recognizing and cultivating your potential leads to a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Profile Theme: The core theme of your life journey, revealed by the two numbers in your Human Design Profile (Sun Line and Earth Line). Understanding your Profile Theme offers insights into your purpose and challenges.
Purpose: The unique role you play in the world, revealed by your Design and life experiences. Living your purpose brings fulfillment and contributes to the greater good.
Ra Uru Hu (Founder): The pseudonym of Alan Robert Krakower, who received and synthesized the Human Design system in 1987. He dedicated his life to developing and sharing this knowledge until his passing in 2011.
Self-Discovery: The ongoing journey of exploring your Design, uncovering your strengths, challenges, and unique path in life.
Self-Awareness: Gaining deep understanding of your thoughts, feelings, motivations, and how your Design influences your experiences.
Shadow: The shadow aspect shows up in the centers, gates, and channels of where we are not defined. We see the amplification of these energies there which create a distortion of our reality and truth.
Shadow Work: Going through the deconditioning process of contemplating your shadow self and aligning to your true self aka your design. In healing terms, exploring and integrating the disowned aspects of yourself to gain self-awareness and wholeness.
Soul Map: Another term for your Human Design chart, emphasizing its connection to your deeper essence and life purpose.
Spiritual Growth: The journey of expanding your consciousness and connection to a higher power, supported by your Human Design. Living in alignment with your Design promotes spiritual growth.
Strategy Alignment: Living in accordance with your unique Human Design Strategy, leading to greater fulfillment and less resistance. This involves recognizing your Type and Authority and making decisions accordingly.
Surrender: Letting go of the need to control and trusting the guidance of your Design and inner authority. This allows for flow and alignment in your life.
Transformation: The ongoing process of growth and personal evolution guided by your Human Design. Embracing this transformation allows you to become your most authentic self.
Transits: Filtering the different gates and their energies through the neutrino streams that effects of individually. For examples, each transit in the sun and earth gates last 6 days and go through each line number.
Well-being: Living a life that promotes physical, emotional, and mental health, in alignment with your unique Design. Understanding your Design needs allows you to cultivate well-being in all aspects of your life.