Hello! It’s been a while…
Hello my beauties! I know it has been a while since I have shown up in my blog. I am more active on social media with my postings and sharing, so if you want to learn more and connect there make sure to give me a follow!
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I intend to post more here too, but with an open will center and being a mental projector it is really a dance with the ebbs and flow of my energy. But let’s get to this week’s topic!
(To catch up on living as a projector or learning about them: click here!)
What are you afraid of?
Okay, this week we have been transiting Gate 28, the gate of the game player or also known as the gate of struggle.
And how fitting for Scorpio Season. But through knowing what is worth the struggle and what is not, comes great victory!
Gate 28 asks us to look our fears head on… and in many cases while pondering life and struggle, we see that death’s mask is somewhere in the shadows.
Are you willing to live all out? Can you look fear in the eye knowing it is just an illusion, and it only controls you if you let it?
Scorpio’s energy is here to take you to your depths, so you can meet this shiz head on, transform it, and embark on your next adventure (when we get to Sagittarius season).
Keep reading to get more info on Gate 28, Scorpio Season and how you can use it to the best of your advantage!
Gate 28: Preponderance of the Great- The Gate of the Game Player

As I mentioned above, this week we have been transiting gate 28, the gate of the game player or also known as the gate of struggle. It is located off the splenic center in the bodygraph.
Gate 28’s deepest fear is not finding its purpose or living a life worth meaning.
Gate 28 is individual (individual circuitry when connected to the gate 38 creating the channel of struggle).
It takes risks others may not since it has an instinctive/splenic awareness of what risks are worth taking.
In the shadow it can get caught up in struggle especially without the gate 38.
In Gene Keye Gate 28 is the Key of Totality. Living each moment 100% presently without any agenda attached.
Scorpio Season
Even if you don’t have gate 28 in your regular Human Design chart, we experience each gate and its energies through the transits.
Just like we experience each new season whether it is spring, summer, fall, or winter.
With Scorpio Season in the mix of this current transit it is an additional time of death, rebirth, and transformation. (Not in the literal sense of death, but death of prior identities, habits, etc).
Reflective Questions:
What fear(s) are you ready to transform? Where do you get to be more honest, authentic, and dive deeper into? What gives you meaning and purpose?

Scorpio energy is the archetypal phenomena of shedding many skins, layers, and honing into the underworld to meet its demons time and time again.
So, that it can become anew, learn from its depth and be able to hold the space for others in their healing.
When in their empowerment, Scorpios are able to see from a bird’s eye view, see the bigger picture, and rise from their ashes.
Transmuting Each Sign’s Shadows

Do you have gate 28? Where does it show up for you in your chart? How is this transit effecting you with Scorpio season?
What is your astrological sign, and do you resonate with the shadow, fear, & issue? (found this image in a FB group, so good with this week’s theme)
Make sure you share and post in the comments below!
Tracking the transits and astrology gives you a PEAK advantage on how to navigate life with understanding yourself on a very deep level as well as dancing with the cosmos!
Taking your design and experiment to the next level!
If you are ready to learn more about your Human Design, digest your unique information that unlocks new potentials then let’s chat! You can send me an email at [email protected] or you can book your preferred Human Design session with me (under the services tab).
Embodying the fundamentals and the basics of your design is SO IMPORTANT! So, I highly recommend starting off with a Foundational Alignment Session, whether you are just starting out or an avid experimenter!
Have a special request for a next blog? A specific invitation you’d like guidance in? That is my specialty! You can book a consultation with me or send me a message 🙂
It’s a joy to bring you the information and connect with you all! Thanks for reading! xoxo